Join the Squeeze: No Sugar-Coated Rim Here!
Learnings, teachings, and tips & tricks for anyone to reference during difficult times or overcoming adversity, and opportunities for self-reflection, gratitude and moments when manifesting your true self.
Mind Over Emotions: Processing vs. Reacting
Struggling to rein in your emotions? You're not alone in this journey!
One Shot, One Opportunity.
On our last day on earth we aren’t going to be chasing that next dollar, the next title, trying to impress anyone.
Let Go Of Blame. Own Your Shit.
Feeling the urge to point fingers when things go awry? Let's shift that perspective.
A Non-Negotiable, MUST Have…Boundaries.
Feeling like you're constantly being taken advantage of? It's time for a change.
Cheers! Fill Your Cup.
How do we really feel about a glass-half full? The last time I checked…we don’t celebrate or make toasts without a full glass.
Confidence is underrated. It’s something you wear. In your presence. In your mannerisms. In your smile. In your actions and narrative towards others.
You Choose.
You choose everyday. Your job, your hobbies, your environment, your people.
You choose your career path. This is an investment into yourself as much as it your employer or employees. Your output, dedication and commitment are a reflection of your current and future success.
In a highly overstimulated, easily influenced society with access to everything we need at our fingertips, patience has become an extremely underrated virtue.
We’re programmed to want what we want, how we want it and at the time we choose.
We react rather than respond with purpose.
Give Yourself Permission to Write a Shitty First Draft.
Writer's block is a real thing. I knew writing a book would be challenging but not quite as challenging as I am learning. From the beginning it's been a mental battlefield.
The first day I spent at the beginning workshop in Austin, the editors explained how much of a roller coaster of emotions the book writing process would be. One of the first things I received was a full poster trying to "map out" and explain the wild journey I had signed up for.