An equation for a silver lining

The Lemon Drop:

When things crash and burn or feel like a ton is happening or coming down on you all at once…maybe it’s because they were things you were hanging on to for too long. The instant and sudden forced change has been building for some time but was ignored or pushed aside until it no longer was your choice…The universe made the choice for you. It could no longer see you living in a life of misalignment. Maybe we don’t see it that way initially but if we dig deep enough the reason will present itself. And that’s the silver lining. 

Journal Prompt

When have you hung on to something (relationship, job, etc) for too long? Or are you still doing this now? What was or could be the silver lining?

P.S. I want to hear from you! Email me questions, thoughts or topics you would love to read about at




To be a thought leader…